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关于为Peter Liang抗议的难题

时间:2016-02-19 15:58:24  来源:豆瓣  作者:simplesimon

 Peter Liang一案的确把华人推到一个两难境地。抗议还是沉默?抗议表达什么诉求?见豆友说华人平时想做模范白人,只有利益触及了才打种族牌。但不管过去的行为记录如何,不管华人群体是否本身有种族主义或不关心正义的倾向,这件事要不要抗议、如何抗议,是个独立的问题。我觉得不平则鸣是天经地义的,但很容易把自己不小心就放到和黑人群体对立的位置上,丢失抗议的正当性和说服力。今天正好遇到哲学系里一位长期组织和参与巴尔的摩”black life matters“黑人抗议警察暴行的博士生,就跟他说了我对这件事的困惑,他还挺了解这件事。他是长期为黑人平权努力的,却马上说这个不能沉默,要抗议,不光是显著的不公平,也可说是不公正。这是他的一些想法:

I'm sorry that my off the cuff thoughts weren't very helpful. I do have particular political investments in this which may shade my view, but I do think it would be effective to focus on: (1) How the NYPD fails to provide adequate training for officers and how the tactics they employ set up terrible events like this one; (2) How the Patrolmen's Union completely failed Liang, and how this is clearly a matter of racism. The Union heavily supported Daniel Palento, despite his murder of Eric Garner being recorded on video for the whole world to see, but the Union didn't provide Liang with adequate legal support, and barely mobilizes any support among other officers for him in court. The Patrolmen's Union usually puts dozens of police officers in court rooms when their comrades are on trial-- from what I've read, two union representatives in causal dress (not even suits or uniforms!) were at Liang's trial. That sends a pretty damn clear signal.

I do think that focusing on the NYPD and Patrolmen's Union is, on the one hand, totally justified and a useful point to make, and, on the other, avoids frame things as if this is a dispute between Chinese & Chinese Americans v. African Americans. I do think there is room to say that what Liang did was egregiously neglectful, but that it's his union's responsibility to help him in the same way they'd help any other (white) officer.

And, given my other political investments, I think that this just serves as further evidence of the racism is deeply infused into policing in the US: the police don't protect non-white communities, and the police don't protect non-white officers. I think it's important not to be silent in the case, but also not to let the structure of American racism co-opt the way in which folks rightfully want to speak out.

我觉得他说的对新警察训练和规范不够的抗议是很重要的,比如不符合规范的拿枪习惯,他特别提到。另一个是警局制定的工作策略很容易制造这种惨事。这些都是机制问题。另外他说这明显就是个白人种族歧视的典型案例(我心想都可以叫做“double tragedy of racism”了),比如未提供平时一贯水平的法律援助。唯一让我安慰的是,他认为需要抗议,也能得到其他族群的理解。


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