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本站网友 匿名
2015-10-04 20:28:47 发表
sorry...there are three apostrophes in the previous one and would confuse the shell...

these should be...

iptables -i eth+ -A INPUT -s -j LOG --log-prefix 'xi_an telecomm packet dropped:'

iptables -i eth+ -A INPUT -s -j DROP
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本站网友 匿名
2015-10-04 20:26:18 发表
Hey Ban Da, if you are really tired of this guy from xi'an, then why don't you just block him, for good and for all?

One simple method is just append a rule to the iptables of your sever, such as,

iptables -i eth+ -A INPUT -s -j LOG --log-prefix 'xi'an telecomm packet dropped:'

iptables -i eth+ -A INPUT -s -j DROP

these 2 rules would log the action and then dropped the packet

This applies to the range, which should be suffice for a while if he is on DHCP

not intending to be mean of bringing this up. it's just quite often his words are illogic and disturbing, with all the whinings -- and he is whining like a boss...
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本站网友 匿名
2015-10-04 20:09:07 发表
Hey Ban Da, if you are really tired of this guy from xi'an, then why don't you just block him, for good and for all?

One simple method is just append a rule to the iptables of your sever, such as,

iptables -i eth+ -A INPUT -s -j LOG --log-prefix 'xi'an telecomm packet dropped:'

iptables -i eth+ -A INPUT -s -j DROP
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本站网友 匿名
2015-10-01 21:57:39 发表
在西方对历史的叙述中, 似乎很少见到有谁真正鸟过"名臣"这个概念...

最多的也似乎只是提到过Aristotle是Alexander the Great的老师,但是对他的影响却似乎很有限...其他的,基本上就全是emperor, conqueror, 或者revolter了

或许, 在西方历史中, 也可能是"名臣"很少鸟过帝王...

也可能是我对西方的历史还不是很熟悉, 所以没有发现历史中的这些臣子们...不过, 西方中世纪以来的社会组织形式确实和远东地区的很不一样, 这可能也很大影响了东西方的人的思维方式...
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本站网友 匿名
2015-09-28 14:28:11 发表
在西方对历史的叙述中, 似乎很少见到有谁真正鸟过"名臣"这个概念...

最多的也似乎只是提到过Aristotle是Alexander the Great的老师,但是对他的影响却似乎很有限...其他的,基本上就全是emperor, conqueror, 或者revolter了
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